Power in a frequency generator (called by some a "Rife Machine") is more important than most people believe. Many builders of low power frequency generators claim that power is not important. For this reason, the following information is given so that people will have the correct information on this important subject.
How well an instrument works is directly tied to the power output of that instrument. Power determines penetration. In Dr. Rife's laboratory, he tested his machines for penetration. To read about how power determines penetration click on the following link.
Chapter #17 The Skin Effect Myth
Most of the frequency generators, sold as "Rife Machines", use only between 10 to 20 volts peak voltage. This power level is only about 1/5th of 1-watt of power. Almost 1/2 of that 1/5th of 1-watt will be lost just trying to penetrate the skin of the body and this is why understanding "The Skin Effect" is so important. Many of these types of frequency generators use metal hand-cylinders and metal footplates. These hand-cylinders and footplates are sometimes used with cloth covers moistened for greater conductivity. They are generally referred to as “Pad” Rife instruments. Because the majority of these “Pad” instruments do not use an RF or radio frequency carrier this is the reason why they are limited to a maximum power output of about 1/5th of 1-watt. The reason they are limited to 1/5th of one watt is due to the fact that without the use of an RF or radio frequency carrier the electrical current of the frequencies will cause the muscles to contract and painfully lock up. In order to overcome this problem some companies use an RF or radio frequency carrier and this allows them to build a very powerful “Pad” style instrument that will not lock up the muscles. These more powerful “Pad” instruments are more expensive to build than your standard inexpensive frequency generators. There are only a couple of companies that make these more powerful "Pad" type instruments. You will know them because their various instruments will be from 1.5-watts to 15-watts power output.
John Crane and John Marsh, two of Dr. Rife’s 1950’s business associates, built the first hand-cylinder and footplate "Pad" or contact instruments. Because they just used an off-the-shelf frequency generator it only had 1/5th of 1-watt of power output. These original instruments never used an RF carrier frequency. The use of an RF carrier frequency was first introduced in about 2003. Dr. Rife originally used only ray tube instruments and these instruments had power ranges from 50 to 600-watts power output. The ray tube instrument, shown in the photo above, had an output power of 75-watts. This was the only machine ever sold to the public and used by doctors. Today it is referred to as the 1936/1939 Rife Ray #5 Beam Ray clinical instrument sold by the 1938-39 Beam Ray Corporation. Below is a photo of the very first "Pad" frequency generator that used metal disks. The disks were later replaced with metal hand-cylinders.
Many people claim that Dr. Rife built the “Pad” style frequency generator that used metal hand-cylinders and footplates. But this is not correct. Dr. Rife never used this “Pad” method or the 1/5th of 1-watt power level. It was his two 1950’s business partners, John Crane, and John Marsh, who came up with this idea. Dr. Rife did not approve of this method because he felt it was under-powered and he was correct in his thinking. They found it only work on small areas of the body with this 1/5th of 1-watt power level. This method also did not use Dr. Rife’s original high RF or radio frequencies. When this RF capability was used in 2003 it made it possible to build powerful "Pad" type instruments that work almost as well as ray tube instruments, but only within certain power levels.
To show that Dr. Rife did not build this style of frequency generator we will quote his attorney, Bertrand Comparet. This statement was made when he was interviewed by Dr. Hubbard back in the 1970’s:
COMPARET: “And I asked Rife, because I thought Rife would certainly say that the way Crane was working on it then [metal disks held in the hands of the user] was still using the Rife principle, but he indignantly denied it.”
DR. HUBBARD: "All right, I see. But, getting back, you say that Rife was very indignant, that the machine [frequency generator using metal disks] that Crane was building was really his [Cranes] idea. I suppose he did not compromise on that, did he?
COMPARET: "Oh no, he just blew up." (1970’s Bertrand Comparet interview #32 & 40)
This quote clearly shows that Dr. Rife did not build the “Pad” instruments or approve of them being called a “Rife Machine” as implied by many who build "Pad" type frequency generators or "Rife Machines." It also shows that he did not approve of the 1/5th of 1-watt low power level which was used with the first “Pad” instrument. The simple truth is even John Crane and John Marsh recognized that this low 1/5th of 1-watt power level was very limited and only good for use on small areas of the body. The following quote from the “Electron Therapy Report” published on January 11, 1959, page 5 shows beyond question they understood the limits of this low power level:
ELECTRON THERAPY REPORT: “In the last years this technique has received new impetus due, on one hand to the availability and tremendous progress in electronic parts and test equipment, and on the other hand, to the discovery of direct application to the body [Metal hand cylinders and footplates] without the need of an applicator tube [Ray Tube]. The problem of adequate coverage with this method is manifold [numerous] as only small areas of the body are treated at one time with a single instrument. Additional amplification with metal harnesses or electrodes covering many areas simultaneously are contemplated for future development.”
From this quote you can see that both John Crane and John Marsh understood that their new "Pad" type "Rife Machine" with only 1/5th of 1-watt of power was greatly underpowered and would require many contact points and a great deal more power to cover the entire body of a person. Yet today over 50 years later many "Rife Machine" builders imply that their 1/5th of 1-watt (10 to 20 volts output) frequency generator is capable of working like Dr. Rife’s original ray tube instruments. Making this claim is not only false but it is also dishonest.
Because people are beginning to understand the truth about how important the power output is many "Rife Machine" builders do not give their power output specifications on their websites. Be very cautious about these companies. If the only way to find out their instrument power output is to ask for that information then they are trying to hide something. Dr. Rife clearly understood that more power was needed than 1/5th of 1 watt otherwise he would not have "blew up" when his attorney, Bertrand Comparet, discussed this subject with him.
In a newspaper article found in The Evening Tribune entitled “Dread Disease Germs Destroyed By Rays, Claim Of S.D Scientist” from May 5, 1938 we read that Dr. Rife’s first instrument had an 8 to 10-watt power output:
EVENING TRIBUNE: "Rife built a simple frequency generating apparatus of about 8 or 10-watts output. He grew some cultures of bacteria. Then he began the studies whose reported results now promise to revolutionize the entire theory and the whole treatment of the human diseases, other than those of a functional or accidental nature.”
Since Dr. Rife’s first instrument was an 8 to 10-watt instrument then his first instrument was between 40 to 50 times more powerful than the 1/5th (0.20) of 1-watt "Pad" instrument built by John Crane and John Marsh. He eventually increased the power level to 50-watts with his Rife Ray #3 instrument and his Rife Ray #4 ray tube instrument was about 600 watts. His 50-watt instrument was 250 times more powerful than the first “Pad” instrument. It is no wonder that Dr. Rife was skeptical about John Crane and John Marsh’s first “Pad” instrument with its 1/5th of one watt power level. All of these statements we have quoted show that an instrument which only has a 1/5th of 1 watt power output is greatly underpowered and incapable of doing what Dr. Rife’s original machines could do. This means almost 95% of all the so-called "Pad" type "Rife machines" on the market today are basically unless except on very small areas of the body. Many of these companies with this 1/5th of 1 watt power output falsely claim their instruments are "the-worlds-most-powerful-rife-machine" and they are not. Do not believe this sales hype and always find out their real power output levels. Any power level of less than 1.5-watts is not worth considering. The higher the power output the better the instrument will work. Never compromise when it comes to power output.
Dr. Robert P. Stafford M.D., originally worked with Dr. Rife, John Crane and John Marsh back in the 1950's & 1960's. He used both the 50-watt ray tube Rife Machine and the 1/5th of 1-watt metal hand-cylinder frequency generator that John Crane and John Marsh built. He stated this in a letter:
DR. ROBERT P. STAFFORD: “Yes, I am that Dr. Robert P. Stafford (M.D.) for whom you seek. I am now 82 years old and retired. In the 1960’s I enjoyed research using Rife machine on patients (with full disclosure), rats , dogs, and my family members and myself. I used an “original” Royal Rife machine on all of the above. First, we used a square wave measured on Heathkit. Most importantly (in my opinion) we transmitted the EMF (electromagnetic RF force) by means of a Cathode-Ray tube - as was used by early X-ray machines. We tried other outlets [John Crane’s “Pad” machine] for Rife machine EMF, which failed to give any measurable results.”
Dr. Stafford here clearly states that John Crane and John Marshes "Pad" frequency generator that only output 1/5th of 1-watt “failed to give any measurable results.” The idea that a frequency generator with only 1/5th of 1-watt power output will work as well as a 50-watt ray tube instrument is misleading. Over the past 55 years, people have been working with “Pad” instruments to determine what power levels are really needed in a frequency generator that uses metal hand-cylinders and footplates. This work has shown that "Pad" type frequency generators need to have a minimum of 1.5-watts power output. This minimum eliminates about 95% of the so-called "Pad" or metal hand-cylinder "Rife Machines" on the market today. There are only a few companies that built frequency generators that output from 1.5 to 15-watts. The higher the power level the better they will work and the 3 to 15-watt power ranges will adequately cover the entire body of the user. Power is very important for a successful outcome. Dr. Rife found that there are no short cuts. This fact cannot be overstated. It is clear that John Crane and John Marsh understood that a 1/5th of 1-watt frequency generator will only work on very small areas of the body.
All of these quotes we have read show why people should consider using frequency generators that use a great deal more power than 1/5th of 1-watt. Many of these low power frequency generators are in the $200 to $1000 range. More powerful frequency generators are in the $1500 to $2500 range. Serious companies build more powerful instruments and they are more expensive to build. If a person purchases a $200 to $1000 machine then this is exactly what they will get, a low power machine. People often say that they do not want to spend a lot of money on a machine just in case it does not work. The fact is it probably will not work because it is an inexpensive, low power frequency generator. Some companies have a 60-day return policy which allows people to see if it will help them. Many companies that build these low power 1/5th of 1-watt frequency generators imply that the more powerful instruments are not necessary. But from the quotes we have read Dr. Rife clearly would disagree with this thinking based on all the years he spent testing his instruments on microorganisms, animals and human patients. It requires power levels far greater than 1/5th of 1-watt if you want to treat the whole body. Otherwise you will only be able to treat very small areas of the body with limited success.
People should keep in mind that it is more expensive to build single ray tube instruments (like the type Dr. Rife used) and powerful metal-hand cylinder frequency generators ("Pad Rife Machines). To read about how a ray tube works click on the following link.
Chapter #1 What Is A Rife Ray Tube And How Does It Work?
Higher power instruments cost more money to build than what most people understand. But they will outperform any 1/5th of 1-watt instrument. Many so-called “Rife Machine” builders know very little about Dr. Rife and the power levels he used. They often make claims about Dr. Rife which are not correct in order to try and promote their low power equipment. People looking to purchase a frequency generator should educate themselves before they purchase any machine. Hopefully this page helps the reader to understand why power is one of the most important considerations when purchasing a machine. A low power instrument (1/5th of 1-watt) can never give the results that Dr. Rife's machines gave.